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Trust and quality

Viladelco Leather Industry

Viladelco has been in the leather business for more than 18 years. It is well known, not only for its individualized strategic approach, but also for the quality of the articles it delivers and its attention to the process of manufacturing.

The LWG seal is an important seal within the leather-footwear industry. Viladelco proudly earned the GOLD category and for this reason, you can trust the origin of all the materials we deliver.

Get in touch and get to know our articles 👇


📲 WhatsApp No. +55 51 9 8206 4585


Con más de 18 años de experiencia en el mercado del cuero, Viladelco es una empresa reconocida no solo por la estrategia de trabajo individualizado, sino también por la calidad entregada en sus artículos y por la atención con el proceso de fabricación.

El sello LWG es un sello importante dentro de la industria del cuero y del calzado. Viladelco con mucho orgullo, conquistó la categoría GOLDy por ello, usted puede confiar en la procedencia de todas las piezas que entregamos.

Entre en contacto y conozca nuestros artículos 👇


📲 WhatsApp No. +55 51 9 8206 4585



Brazilian Leather 

+55 (51) 3593 6788 +55 (51) 98206 4585

Our quality will make your product the best.

Welcome to the Leather enterprise that is dedicated to transforming your product into the very best! Located in the city os Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Our proposal is to create and produce the finished Leather that you need.

Your direct channel for Leather in Brazil: wet bleu, crust vegetal, crust bioleather, finished leather.

Rua Joaquin Nabuco, 1685  |  Novo Hamburgo RS |   CEP93310-002 |   BRAZIL

Copyright  by Viladelco Brazilian Leather Industry

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