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Sea atendido por quien sabe exactamente lo que usted necesita

Viladelco Leather Industry

👉 Presentes desde hace 18 años en el mercado internacional, nuestra experiencia ha mostrado que, a través de un servicio de atención personalizado y enfocado, las empresas que desean destacarse buscan calidad y continuidad en sus proveedores, creando un historial y una historia para obtener los elementos principales de sus productos: ¡la calidad y el resultado!

🎯 Nuestro equipo capacitado y con un gran conocimiento de todas las etapas del cuero, le ofrece el artículo más adecuado de acuerdo con su necesidad.

Buscamos en nuestros clientes una alianza sólida, transparente y duradera. Estamos siempre a disposición para brindarle lo que usted necesita.

Entre en contacto, conozca un poco más sobre Viladelco y alíese a nosotros.


👉 We have been operating internationally for 19 years. Our experience has shown that through a personalized and focused service, companies that want to stand out look for quality and continuity in their suppliers. They want to establish a history and a record, so that they can achieve what they need most of all for their products: quality and returns!

🎯 Our expert team knows everything about all stages of leather production and can find you the most suitable item, depending on your needs.

We look for partners who are reliable, transparent and long lasting. We are always available to get you what you need.

Contact us, find out more about Viladelco and come and work with us.


📲 WhatsApp No. +55 51 9 8206 4585

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Brazilian Leather 

+55 (51) 3593 6788 +55 (51) 98206 4585

Our quality will make your product the best.

Welcome to the Leather enterprise that is dedicated to transforming your product into the very best! Located in the city os Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Our proposal is to create and produce the finished Leather that you need.

Your direct channel for Leather in Brazil: wet bleu, crust vegetal, crust bioleather, finished leather.

Rua Joaquin Nabuco, 1685  |  Novo Hamburgo RS |   CEP93310-002 |   BRAZIL

Copyright  by Viladelco Brazilian Leather Industry

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